
Mesubuta for those looking for uncensored JAV rape
It’s really rare to find uncensored JAV video, because it’s not allowed in Japan law. That can seem strange for a country who allow a lot of rape in anime, manga and porn. Showing sexual violence and chikan is less awfull than showing a dick…. Humen are strange !
Anyway this video from Mesubuta.net, will show you a cute student kidnaped and raped. He tied her with adhesive bandage and abuse her young body during half an hour.

JAV porn review : Really good video !
You love bounded female to be used ? This movie is for you. This cute schoolgirl suffer of all way you could imagine. The acting is really good, among the best from Mesubuta.

Thanks for your great website. I’m certain that there are many who appreciate your efforts as much as I do.
I would like to suggest a short clip for your website. It seems to be a typical bus chikan video but there is a moment when something happens to magnify the poor girls humiliation. I’ve never seen any other chikan movie replicate this moment of shame. This video has been indelibly imprinted on my brain since the first time I saw it several years ago. It’s a “must see” for all of your fans. Please contact me.
Hy, I’ll look for this video ! Maybe I have it.